John Santos. San Jose and Silicon Valley Aikido Instruction

Private and Group Aikido Instruction by John Santos
I've been teaching the non-violent Martial Art of Aikido since 1982. I currently teach classes in Aikido, "Aikido Movement," and weight-lifting at Mission College, in Santa Clara, California.

Aikido teaches how to blend, harmonize and be confluent with potentially conflicting forces, while maintaining your integrity and vitality. This is practiced and realized by implementing the functional aspects of the art as well as its philosophy. In fact, Aikido has been called a philosophy with a physical expression. My own experience has proven that an amazing amount of philosophy can be transmitted to even young children when coupled with this kinetic/visual expression, further grounding the lesson in practicality.

My approach to Aikido emphasizes teaching the principles of the art which easily translate into applications for more effective communication, relationship, and functioning in daily life. These principles apply from the personal to the global level.

In addition to my class at Mission College, I am availble for private and group lessons for students of all ages and abilities. Feel free to call me at 408.280.1359 for information.



Click here for my Aikido-teaching resume and references.   

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